Astronomical Grace

"& all the heaven shout let the future begins"
Salvation has came and is here to stay. 
Chris tomlin, David crowder and the passion band performed led in P&W, totally rocking in the house of God!!🎤🎸 And I'm definitely feeling alive on God's great dance floor 👍 Pastor Louis Giglio made NCC his stop by church in sg :')

For the first time, I saw my brother's lips moved, he sang praises of God. Wow. As much as I was trying to steal glances to look at him during P&W (coz I think guys just have their pride they dw ppl to see them being sad or what-so-ever) but I saw the look in his eyes, I saw how God touched him throughout that special service, from someone who refused to go to church every week to finally actually remarking that he enjoyed the service. 

The thing that amazed me was that, I prayed for salvation for the ones around me who needed it just the previous device, & God is great! He answered my prayer & I cannot fall short of being thankful for this gift of salvation, this gift of answering prayers. 

This is just the start, there's more to come. Be bold and ask. Our god is greater than our wildest imagination. We need to upsize our faith, bcoz we're serving a great and awesome God.

Some pics from service below:

(Spaceships are meant to fly~~~ hahaha no. This is the universe he created and we r on earth which is in Milky Way which is only one of the millions galaxies.)
(Seems like a reminder that God's light shining even in the darkest time)

Did yknw even the stars have a symphony of their own? These are stars in the galaxies!! 

Ok so bfr service I had some chill time and decided to dine at mfm. I requested to change the fries to rice knowing I won't eat mfm fries are too fat (and I don't like far fries hahahaha) but they say cannot coz it was promotional item. & I was like errrrr ok then. BUT NO GUESS WHAT. While I was saying errr ok, the manager who turned out to be one of my ex-manager, came up to me and agree to let me change?!!! 
It didn't end there. I bump into my ex colleague too, who later approached me to ask me if I was waiting for service. He started to ask more details (coz he doesn't know how my church works) and got my number bcoz he was really interested in going to church!!:')

Is like wah I was telling god to used me fill me and like other people in the testimonies just shared at the meeting, I wanna feel his works too, and tada he immediately made me feel so :-) I'm indeed blessed. He was giving me an opportunity to bring someone know him more. And I knew RK meeting opened my eyes to be expectant to have an encounter with Jesus, and I can gladly say I'm ready.

(That's the house of God w me  to constantly remind myself that I'm never really alone even if in alone, can I say I actually like alone time? Lul)


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