Glorious glorious

( Child of God- & they will see Jesus looking out from your eyes)
His endless mercy and grace is more than sufficient for me; & I know his love will never fail.
I had a great time at UP yesterday, awesome praise and worship put up. God's presence was so strong. Mark 3:13// He has called us himself to be with Him, and so shall your will be done on earth like it is in heaven. I'm never good with words, nor know exactly what to say or do; but You promised that we'll never leave your presence unchanged, & indeed you've touched me all over again. Salvation and miracles will happen at the right place at the right time. We believe greater things have yet to come, greater things are still to be done in this city.
I'll walk by faith and  not by sight. In all, I trust in You.
Thank you Jesus, I'm proud to be called Yours.

Yay got to catch the iLight yesterday.
Honestly expected more from the exhibit when I came across the reviews and articles on it.
But then again, the creative ways of recycling materials to produce an exhibit to such level and making games out of it, is secretly rather impressive & there are actually stories behind each exhibit.

(This is my favourite!! So pretty~)

(Lights will guide you home)
(lil' teapots slim and tall// ok I've no idea what was this exhibit about)
(this is really cool coz it looks like it's photo-shopped in/ floating in the air, BUT it's not)
(knowing that I didn't wanna have big face so...... but where're my eyes looooking)

The exhibit's only from7/3 - 27/3, it's quite a nice place to chill after all the exhibit coz it only starts at 7.30pm to 11pm , but probably not if one does not know how to appreciate arts HAHA.


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