Many firsts
Yay so it was my beloved daddy's birthday on Tuesday. Bought him Tom& Jerry cake, to make him feel young all over again!! ππ-I'll skip all the thanksgiving and mushy words, coz not like he'll ever read this HAHA-
Had some quality time with the mom where we went to catch The Grand Budapest. The ad for it looks really unappealing (well at least to me, but no choice cause the shows that I wanted to catch ain't out yet) but can I add that the plot of the story is extraordinary, never come across bfr.
Went to catch Divergent on Wednesday. THEO JAMES is hamlord, his eyes and body wow.π
It was very much like a hunger games, so it wasn't that much exciting or what. The only thing that kept me in my seat until the end of it was Theo James, and perhaps the company too.
Had my first at Nam Nam Noodle Bar, the food doesn't look as good as what people take in pictures lulz. I guess cause it tasted a little bland and plain, more like you know what people eat when they are sick. ok but nonetheless, at least I've tried it, instead of only hearing how it taste like.
(Fast forward to few days after my busy daysssss.....)
I miss the rest of you girls ): pls meet up sooon & stop having sudden plans. Everyone's almost working and it sucks.
Initial plan of a meet-up, turn out to be quality time with my best, who finally aint workingon a weekend, where we end up splurging and pampering ourselves (ok maybe just me bcoz I bought clothes and she didn't buy any hahaha). I love retail therapy, it makes me take my mind off things that I don't want to think about. So just like ice cream, shopping makes me happy. (just that the after effects of retail therapy makes me regret a little at times when I realised I burnt my pocket)πΈπΈ
(4 boxes of kk for 2, ok I kidz)
(some goodness for the 2nd time after trying it for the first time 2 days back, I hope I wont be addicted but the orginal one is the best! else I think kk is overrated, jco is good too :D)
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