Wake me up when September ends How do you run away from the things that are in your head? Everybody's just walking along cropped up with his own problems, his own life, his own worries. Expecting people to tune into our our agenda. " Look at my worry, step into my life, care about my problems, care about me." But darling, truth is, no one has got time for you. The longer he looks into your eyes, the more he's interested in you. If he can't look into your eyes long enough, there is a great chance that he wants to conquer you. After that, he'll leave you. It's ok you feel as though you've lost yourself, everybody does from time to time. It's ok you're still searching for that missing part of you, we all are. It's ok to feel alone, but you must often remind yourself that you're not. You must remind yourself that you're beautiful individual. I am no good for you, but you're you and that's good enough for me. Thing...
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