Glory or gory?

2014- Year of Greater Glory? Such impactful words has been resurfacing lately, and I just felt like penning down my thoughts, before doing another entry about everything in 2014/2015. This year is passing way too fast than any other, it still feels like its the holidays before uni. Many tragedies had happened, missing planes, outbreaks, riots, etc. There's so many things going on since the start, in and out of my life. I must admit I was looking forward to having God doing something in my life this year. It's human nature to expect right? Especially when it involves Him. So I just kept waiting and questioning when was it gonna be my turn. 'I felt the shaking, but where is the glory? Because Christ in you is the hope of glory.' Maybe securing a place in where I am now was something I never expect, that was one of the trials I was been put through. I knew that it was impossible for me to do it alone, it was solely not base on my own, never. I'll never forget how it ...