Collagen Beauty Booster x Expressions

Being in Singapore means 24/7 summer all year round = dying skin. Exposure to UV rays accelerates the lost of collagen, creating more fine lines & wrinkles especially around eyes and mouth areas. Makeup does wonders but not when it comes to reducing fine lines. To improve, it is preferable to address the root of the problem rather than just applying collagen serums on our skin. Therefore, knowing that it is safe to take these supplements, it helps to build collagen within your system by improving circulation throughout the body. Collagen capsules can strengthen blood vessels and improve their elasticity. Collagen fortifies your blood vessels to improve circulation throughout the body. Blood and nutrients are delivered to your skin, resulting in healthy, radiant and youthful-looking skin and Promote Healing of Injuries. Expressions had offered me an option of Collagen Beauty Booster recently, and tbh there were some visible results but of course they weren't very obviou...