The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return. Ain't one to date around/ change around/ what so ever. It has been so long since my first relationship and I've become sooooo independent (it scares me sometimes). Till, I pretty much love the single life cause I didn't know I could be that strong. & I did mention before what hurt could do to me, once was enough. As cliche as it sounds, ever since, I prayed that I wouldn't get hurt ever again and to meet someone else that's worthy to walk down the aisle with me (something along this line). So years passed, and leading the single life was honestly---good. Of course, sometimes I do get moved when I see couples, then I get reminded of the possible bad that outweighs the good, I would then embrace the single status I had. Moreover when it comes to relationships, it's always ain't a smooth sailing one for me (my friends would know). Besides that, I would rather make sure I...